Frequently Asked Questions:
What age can I bring my puppy home?
That's dependent upon the puppy itself. Some puppies are still emotionally immature to remove from mom and others are emotionally ready the moment their eyes open! ;) On average a puppy is ready to leave here and be with its human around 8-12 weeks. Shipping puppies does cause a wait, however. What I do not want is puppies to over-stay here. Once pups are of an age when they're weaned emotionally and physically - they start to turn away from their siblings and seek out and form true bonds. That means if you leave me your pup after the rest are gone - that pup might bond to ME. So, please don't leave me your baby once their sibs are gone. Prepare in advance for this big decision. I don't need your pup lonely and bonding with me because you decided to make plans after getting your pup. I'm not a boarding kennel and I WILL charge you unless we discuss this WHEN you reserve your pup. I will charge you a lot because I'll be pissed off that your pup will be bonding to me and then be ripped away from that emotional connection because its siblings are already gone.
Are puppies vaccinated and wormed before they leave?
They are vaccinated up to the age requirement of the vaccinations. That means that if you pick up your puppy at "X" weeks old, then whenever the next vaccination comes up, it's on you. I worm at 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks with Nemex-2, then at 8 weeks I worm with Panacur, as it seems to work best in my area. You need to check with your vet in your area for an appropriate regional wormer, as I've found that it actually does matter. I vaccinate at 6 weeks for the normative puppy series per vet recommendation (minus lepto.) and follow the vaccination time frame of every 2 weeks thereafter.
Why so many shots?
I believe in vaccinations and so should you! For both animals and humans. Don't be crunchy. Crunchy can go find another breeder. I would rather not hear you've killed my pup by being an idiot. I've seen the heartache it causes to lose a puppy to Parvo. It can be a death sentence very quickly, and even if you catch it fast, it won't be easy on your pocketbook at all. Most times, you're looking at 1500-5000 dollars to heal your pup and even then if they recover... they never fully do. And believe me, it's an attempt - because you don't always win this battle. Vaccinations aren't spendy. Vets can be spendy and if you're local enough, I'm happy to do your 5-1 yearly for the cost of the vaccination (5 bucks). But yeah, vet costs add up, but they sure don't add up to the cost of losing a pup. I know, poking needles into baby dogs isn't fun, but they get over it. Most don't even notice it's happening, as they are licking peanut butter off a finger or just taking it like the touch little potatoes they are. Apparently needle poking isn't felt when delicious peanut butter is there!
Why is Parvovirus so bad?
Parvovirus has a single good thing about it... it makes your dog immune to that strain of it. Of course, to get that immunity, you have to deal with a deathly ill dog and a huge vet bill. But, hey! Silver linings, right? (no...) Joking aside, Parvo is a horrible virus. You can Google it to your hearts content and read up on it. You should. It's that scary. It lives in soil for years. It can be anywhere, as it's particulate. On your shoes. On your hands. Definitely in pet shops (I'm lookin' at you, Petco!), and in parks, in grocery stores... brushing against someone's coat may get it on you. Then, you go home, you touch your dogs, and guess what. Parvo. Not even kidding here, folks. Take it seriously. VERY seriously. This is why I vaccinate so heavily for it. Soooo, that said, if you end up with Parvo, I will sympathize deeply and do all I can for you, but you won't find it covered in the health contract. I've done my part here in keeping things as safe as can be. You do yours too once you take your baby from my care.
Will you take my puppy back if there's a problem?
Always. That said, I would rather see if we can't find a way to fix the issue of whatever is causing the problem. However, if it's inevitable, I will first attempt to adopt it out. If all else fails, I will take back the pup. We can discuss it if it happens. I hope it doesn't.
Can I leave my puppy with you while I go to <insert vacation here>?
No. I'm not a boarding kennel. I worked hard to keep your puppy safe here, I'm not going to bring in virus or diseases just because you have a hankering to see Paris, or swim with dolphins. I will suggest you vaccinate your dogs for Bordetella before you find a kennel for the vacation though... because kennel cough sucks. Have a good trip! Send pics.
Are you going to force me to send pics and be besties?
Yes I am. I will be coming over weekly and I'll raid your fridge and...
No. I am a very introverted person. I don't have rules for my clients like that. Do I want updates? Sure. Do I want pics? Sure. Do I demand them? No. It's your life. I'm here, I'm going to always want to see my babies, but if you want a clean break from 'the breeder', then have at it. It's your life. I'm only an email away should you need me or a phone call or you can join the Facebook group The Corgi Cult to stay in touch without weirdness. It's entirely your choice.
No. I am a very introverted person. I don't have rules for my clients like that. Do I want updates? Sure. Do I want pics? Sure. Do I demand them? No. It's your life. I'm here, I'm going to always want to see my babies, but if you want a clean break from 'the breeder', then have at it. It's your life. I'm only an email away should you need me or a phone call or you can join the Facebook group The Corgi Cult to stay in touch without weirdness. It's entirely your choice.
Why can't I visit my puppy? Other breeders allow it!!! What are you hiding?
We already discussed Parvo. Go read it again. I'll wait.
I do let clients into my living room if they insist on picking their pups up at my house. I'm not fond of it though as it means I'll be doing a bunch of cleaning afterwards. But, my dogs don't get to go into the living room. That's my special 'dog free' place. It's also a room I don't really use much. Sure it has living room stuff, and a big TV... but honestly, between us? I'm more comfy in my den, with another big TV and more living room stuff ...or is that den stuff? Anyway. The dogs can get dog fur and dirt on that stuff. The living room is blocked off from the dogs, so no one but humans get to be in it. Once you arrive, you get to come in. You get handed your puppy, and then when you leave, I disinfect the holy .... out of the room. If you can't handle that, find another breeder. Sorry (not sorry).
Normally though, I prefer pick up in Spokane Valley or my once a litter trip for everyone to Moses Lake. Or... you can pay me to bring your puppy to you. I charge for gas, time, irritation and more. Sometimes, I will be hitting a dog show or friend on the Seattle side of the state and I'm always willing to bring you your baby since I'm headed that way regardless.
I do let clients into my living room if they insist on picking their pups up at my house. I'm not fond of it though as it means I'll be doing a bunch of cleaning afterwards. But, my dogs don't get to go into the living room. That's my special 'dog free' place. It's also a room I don't really use much. Sure it has living room stuff, and a big TV... but honestly, between us? I'm more comfy in my den, with another big TV and more living room stuff ...or is that den stuff? Anyway. The dogs can get dog fur and dirt on that stuff. The living room is blocked off from the dogs, so no one but humans get to be in it. Once you arrive, you get to come in. You get handed your puppy, and then when you leave, I disinfect the holy .... out of the room. If you can't handle that, find another breeder. Sorry (not sorry).
Normally though, I prefer pick up in Spokane Valley or my once a litter trip for everyone to Moses Lake. Or... you can pay me to bring your puppy to you. I charge for gas, time, irritation and more. Sometimes, I will be hitting a dog show or friend on the Seattle side of the state and I'm always willing to bring you your baby since I'm headed that way regardless.
Can I pet the other puppies at the Moses Lake Meet Up?
No. They're not yours. Pet your own puppy. It's the bestest after all!
Are you sure I can't visit my puppy early?
Yes. Let me put it this way... IF I said yes, and you visited and didn't realize that when you got snacks at the gas station that you handled stuff that was previously handled by someone covered in the Parvovirus because they didn't bother to vaccinate their dog, or they work for rescue, or a county shelter, or any multitude of reasons. You visit, you touch your pup, snuggle it, kiss it... and then off you go back home. That pup is now covered in Parvovirus. It now shares that with the other pups.
You've now infected my entire litter. Momma comes in. Momma feeds pups. Momma wanders around, spreading the virus - even though she's vaccinated. Now it's in my yard. In my house...
Now all the pups are 3 weeks old, the immunities Momma gives it gets over-written and now all the pups have Parvo. That means most will die. That also means YOUR pup will most likely die. Then everyone else's pups. That finally means I spend my life savings trying vainly to save the litter and then I have to tell you and everyone else that their puppies are dead. All because you couldn't wait to see your pup.
Now, do you understand? I won't do it. Not for you. Not for anyone. However, if you feel that strongly about it, I am more than willing to try and help you find another breeder more inclined to be less safe with their babies. But, that won't be me.
You've now infected my entire litter. Momma comes in. Momma feeds pups. Momma wanders around, spreading the virus - even though she's vaccinated. Now it's in my yard. In my house...
Now all the pups are 3 weeks old, the immunities Momma gives it gets over-written and now all the pups have Parvo. That means most will die. That also means YOUR pup will most likely die. Then everyone else's pups. That finally means I spend my life savings trying vainly to save the litter and then I have to tell you and everyone else that their puppies are dead. All because you couldn't wait to see your pup.
Now, do you understand? I won't do it. Not for you. Not for anyone. However, if you feel that strongly about it, I am more than willing to try and help you find another breeder more inclined to be less safe with their babies. But, that won't be me.
Will my puppy be potty-trained?
No. I will do my best, but no. It won't even be pad trained. It will probably be about 85% trained while here. I do utilize litter box training in my weaning protocol. For some reason when you take the pup home, all that work gets erased and you're back to square one. Prepare for it. Thankfully, they start to remember once they settle in and it becomes easier to get them back into practice. Fair warning: Corgi puppies are especially adorable and are masters of deception. Don't fall for their tricks. Make them go out on a schedule, even if they give you the 'momma it's cold outside' face. They can take it, they're strong, brave animals! ;)
Can I pay via Paypal, Zelle. or Venmo?
You can place a deposit via Paypal or check. If you pay your deposit via Paypal, tack on the extra % charged to me or pay friends and family. If you pay the remainder owed via check, don't bring it with you. You'll be leaving without pup and with your check. Payment must clear ahead. I won't take the remainder of funds via Paypal. I've been burned before. No offense. I prefer Zelle and Venmo, you can bring a money order from Walmart, a cashier's check from your bank or bring cash. Easy peasy.
I changed my mind. I want a refund for my deposit!
Yeah, sometimes I want a refund for all my regrets too. No. There are no refunds for changing your mind. In most situations, you can transfer that deposit to a future puppy though. This is life. Be an adult.
Why is it non-refundable if you change your mind? Because I have taken that puppy off the market, away from other interested party. While I might easily be able to re-sell the puppy fast, it might take some time as the puppy is older now. It might take a month or two which leaves that puppy bonding to me. Your deposit is paying for that baby's upkeep, vet bills to make sure the pup is fine after leaving you, spending all my time with it in quarantine to make sure it stays okay after being with you, and marketing since you decided you didn't want it. Harsh words, I know. But, you did ask. Of course, there are circumstances that would bend that rule. IF I chose to refund your deposit, it would be my choice only, and when the pup re-sells. I HATE when people let a pup down.
Why is it non-refundable if you change your mind? Because I have taken that puppy off the market, away from other interested party. While I might easily be able to re-sell the puppy fast, it might take some time as the puppy is older now. It might take a month or two which leaves that puppy bonding to me. Your deposit is paying for that baby's upkeep, vet bills to make sure the pup is fine after leaving you, spending all my time with it in quarantine to make sure it stays okay after being with you, and marketing since you decided you didn't want it. Harsh words, I know. But, you did ask. Of course, there are circumstances that would bend that rule. IF I chose to refund your deposit, it would be my choice only, and when the pup re-sells. I HATE when people let a pup down.
What should i bring with me when i pick up my puppy?
I'll have a care bag for you. It'll have puppy pads, some of the food they're weaned onto, a toy, treats, and a care sheet as well as your registration folder. What YOU should bring is a blanket so the pup doesn't get chilled. A collar and leash or harness because you'll be making a pit stop. Keep in mind that your pup will have at least 2 vaccinations against Parvovirus by this point, so you will probably be fine letting it do it's business at rest stops IF you put the pup on a pad first... but you can also spread out a pad and have it pee on that on the floor boards of your car too (I would). If you do use the grass (WITH PAD) at rest stops, be a rebel - don't go into the dog area. Just go off to the side and let it happen. Who would stop you? You have a Corgi pup! It's almost like you're giving them the gift of seeing it. Right? Also, don't let others touch your pup. You don't know what is on their hands. Remember, your baby has a low immunity right now as it's not fully vaccinated, it's a baby and it's under stress. Be smart.
i got my puppy home and it feels warm and has runny poops!
Yes, it's stressed. It's going to react a bit, most normally with a slight fever and a case of the runs. It'll be fine as long as you don't decide to make the pup go everywhere and meet everyone in the first week of arriving there. You're working with its immune system and that takes a hit on anything that causes 'pressure'. Pressure is anything stressful. Removing stress removes the pressure. So, forcing new smells and faces and hands on it = pressure. Giving it some time to figure stuff out before getting mauled by excited humans = release of pressure. Give it a few days. After a few days of being home and figuring out that it now owns it's very own human, it will happily charge into the fray of excited hands and be the Corgi it should be.
However, if your pup worsens... call me, email me AND the vet. Your pup may be having a reaction to your water and need a bit of help to get accustomed to it, or it could be something else. I'm not a vet. But, I do worry.
However, if your pup worsens... call me, email me AND the vet. Your pup may be having a reaction to your water and need a bit of help to get accustomed to it, or it could be something else. I'm not a vet. But, I do worry.
My vet says I need to spay/neuter my puppy asap.
Yes, a vet would. They don't want you making more puppies. Your pup needs to grow without ripping its organs out of it. Let it grow. I'm all for spaying and neutering but if you can handle a full dog for a year, more benefits to ya! You get a dog in full muscle and full bone density and full growth with the hormones the body should be producing for its age in the amounts for its age. Then, sure... alter your animal. That's why you got the limited reg. and discount. You really just pre-paid the alteration fee. You're welcome.
For those who have full registration? Well, it's your choice. No discount from me for you. ;) Seriously though...
For those who have full registration? Well, it's your choice. No discount from me for you. ;) Seriously though...
What is the difference between limited and full registration and why do I need to decide now?
You don't get to decide. I do. Main thing is... why do you even need full registration? However, here's the difference:
Limited: Cannot be bred and produce AKC registered puppies. Cannot be shown in AKC /breed specific and/or sanctioned shows in conformation classes.
Pretty self explanatory here. If you want to breed down the road, you can't with a limited. Same with showing in conformation.
Full Registration: CAN be bred and produce AKC registered puppies. CAN be shown in AKC/breed specific and/or sanctioned shows in conformation classes. You have full showing and reproductive rights to your dogs.
That said, I'm not overly fond of offering full registration on pups. You'll have to convince me of 'why' you need a full registration. Either showing or breeding, we can discuss it. Thing is, I'm not one to make decisions for you if you want to jump into the fray of showing or breeding Corgis. However, I would hate to offer you a pet quality animal for a breeding quality price. If that makes sense to ya. I'd rather match you with the appropriate animal for what you want. Also, I hope you have thick skin if you plan to show your dog in conformation. It's a bunch of very cut-throat people and I won't blow smoke up your skirt here... my dogs aren't bred to be top show dogs in conformation. You would be much better off to show my dogs in performance or use them for what they're meant to do - herd cattle. However, if you do want to show in conformation then more power to ya!
Limited: Cannot be bred and produce AKC registered puppies. Cannot be shown in AKC /breed specific and/or sanctioned shows in conformation classes.
Pretty self explanatory here. If you want to breed down the road, you can't with a limited. Same with showing in conformation.
Full Registration: CAN be bred and produce AKC registered puppies. CAN be shown in AKC/breed specific and/or sanctioned shows in conformation classes. You have full showing and reproductive rights to your dogs.
That said, I'm not overly fond of offering full registration on pups. You'll have to convince me of 'why' you need a full registration. Either showing or breeding, we can discuss it. Thing is, I'm not one to make decisions for you if you want to jump into the fray of showing or breeding Corgis. However, I would hate to offer you a pet quality animal for a breeding quality price. If that makes sense to ya. I'd rather match you with the appropriate animal for what you want. Also, I hope you have thick skin if you plan to show your dog in conformation. It's a bunch of very cut-throat people and I won't blow smoke up your skirt here... my dogs aren't bred to be top show dogs in conformation. You would be much better off to show my dogs in performance or use them for what they're meant to do - herd cattle. However, if you do want to show in conformation then more power to ya!
Do you micro-chip the puppies?
Yes. I typically use PetKey. They are registered to me, and the buyer can also be placed on that chip registration list. That way, if you forget to update it, I'll always have a way to get your baby back to you in case it's lost!
My Vet says I need the lepto4 vaccination. You say I don't... who is right?
I'm right. ;) For every litter that leaves me, one of my clients ends up getting the Lepto4 vaccination and contacts me worried and crying because the pup is lethargic, vomiting, seizing... right after vaccinations. I immediately ask if they've had the Lepto4 vaccination. Funny, 100% of the time, the answer is yes.
This is because it's a dangerous vaccination and most likely - you don't need it. You only require the vaccination in specific areas and environments and I can almost guarantee yours isn't one of them. The Lepto4 vaccine can kill your pup. Do yourself a favor and Google it. Read. Research. Make the right decision before you also come crying and I ask you the same question: Did you get the Lepto4 vaccine?
This is because it's a dangerous vaccination and most likely - you don't need it. You only require the vaccination in specific areas and environments and I can almost guarantee yours isn't one of them. The Lepto4 vaccine can kill your pup. Do yourself a favor and Google it. Read. Research. Make the right decision before you also come crying and I ask you the same question: Did you get the Lepto4 vaccine?
What is a guardianship program?
You can read more here: Guardianship Dogs
Why Do I need a bottle of purified water for my pup? I live in a house, I have water. I'm a civilized human!
Well, my fine civilized human ;)... this is the reason! Your water contains different bacteria than mine does. Think of the old joke "Don't drink the water in Mexico!". That's because of bacteria. Same reason you don't eat lettuce there or any other thing that's water-laden. Bacteria. Your body isn't used to it, so you get to decorate the loo with the remains of your meal quite vigorously. Imodium becomes your new bestie. Same with pups. My water is what they're used to and they have very delicate bodies right now so by reducing the bacteria to a neutral point (purified) you can transition slowly to yours without putting their intestinal tract under fire and dehydrating an already stressed pup. Use purified water. Just do it. 100% purified for the first few days, then 75% purified after day 4, 50% purified at 1 week, then 25% purified until it's gone. It's not that difficult. Or do you LIKE diarrhea?
OMG!! You have DM affected dogs! horrible horrible!!! ...right? I mean that's what I'm told on social media!
Social media will also tell you that the Illuminati are everywhere, that there are lizard people in all the world's governments, that the earth is flat and Elvis is alive...
This is where I step in and smile gently and whisper "Do you science?". I understand - you're told there's a nifty test all these genetic labs are promoting that test accurately for DM! Shouldn't we not breed DM dogs? My answer is simple! Yes, IF there were such a nifty test, we should absolutely work on controlling and limiting the dogs that are promoted for breeding to eradicate this disease. Much like we do with vWD1.
But the nifty DM test isn't a DM test at all. DM is a poly-genetic disease. The test out there you see is for a single gene that is tied to DM: SOD1. Poly-genetic means multiple genes. Let's take a ball of yarn. Let's take a single strand of that yarn. Let's point out a single different color on one spot on that yarn strand. Can you easily find it? Go 'head, I'll wait... go try it. Please make that other color on that single strand within that yarn the size of a pinhead. Just to make it a bit easier to find. Can you find it? Now take that yarn and go Inner Cat on it. Now, can you find that dot? Is it easy? Oh I forgot to mention, the yarn you used is mosaic patterned to begin with. How about now? Found that spot yet?
THAT is DM. That's what scientists are wading through to find all the sneaky genes hiding in that ball of disease. So when someone says their dog is clear for DM because they took the SOD1 test? Take that with a grain of salt. That means the dog is clear of having the SOD1 gene mutation... it's not clear for DM.
So what does this mean as a breeder? Shouldn't I not breed to anything but clear on the SOD1 gene? No. The SOD1 gene has not been found to cause DM. It's merely a component. Having two working eyes can also be a component! We just don't know as yet. So, should we only breed blind dogs to make sure? See how insane this is becoming? Here's a better option! Breed healthy dogs with strong genetic lines that show no predisposition for DM in the ancestry. Build on that and then see what science eventually comes up with. So, unlike vWD1 and EIC which has been 100% mapped and is an accurate test (though both are percentage based and can vary in intensity) don't fret so deeply about that DM test. It's not accurate and it's not really a DM test. Now ya know.
This is where I step in and smile gently and whisper "Do you science?". I understand - you're told there's a nifty test all these genetic labs are promoting that test accurately for DM! Shouldn't we not breed DM dogs? My answer is simple! Yes, IF there were such a nifty test, we should absolutely work on controlling and limiting the dogs that are promoted for breeding to eradicate this disease. Much like we do with vWD1.
But the nifty DM test isn't a DM test at all. DM is a poly-genetic disease. The test out there you see is for a single gene that is tied to DM: SOD1. Poly-genetic means multiple genes. Let's take a ball of yarn. Let's take a single strand of that yarn. Let's point out a single different color on one spot on that yarn strand. Can you easily find it? Go 'head, I'll wait... go try it. Please make that other color on that single strand within that yarn the size of a pinhead. Just to make it a bit easier to find. Can you find it? Now take that yarn and go Inner Cat on it. Now, can you find that dot? Is it easy? Oh I forgot to mention, the yarn you used is mosaic patterned to begin with. How about now? Found that spot yet?
THAT is DM. That's what scientists are wading through to find all the sneaky genes hiding in that ball of disease. So when someone says their dog is clear for DM because they took the SOD1 test? Take that with a grain of salt. That means the dog is clear of having the SOD1 gene mutation... it's not clear for DM.
So what does this mean as a breeder? Shouldn't I not breed to anything but clear on the SOD1 gene? No. The SOD1 gene has not been found to cause DM. It's merely a component. Having two working eyes can also be a component! We just don't know as yet. So, should we only breed blind dogs to make sure? See how insane this is becoming? Here's a better option! Breed healthy dogs with strong genetic lines that show no predisposition for DM in the ancestry. Build on that and then see what science eventually comes up with. So, unlike vWD1 and EIC which has been 100% mapped and is an accurate test (though both are percentage based and can vary in intensity) don't fret so deeply about that DM test. It's not accurate and it's not really a DM test. Now ya know.
Why do you only dock tails? Why do I have to have dewclaws left on my puppy?
These are herding dogs. They are meant to be able to utilize their dewclaws for traction and the ability to out-maneuver livestock. Tails are docked because that is the breed standard and because once you've seen a cattle dog with a stripped to the bone tail from a steer, you'll understand the reasoning behind it. Cattle dogs and flock (sheep) dogs face different requirements. Sheep are 'kinda' passive, bovine? Not so much. Both will aim for that high Spitzy tail and grab it to yeet a dog with a high tail!
Plus... it's the standard for the breed. Want a tail? Get a Cardigan! They're awesome dogs too! They are built with a sloped croup and a low carried tail which is harder to grab by livestock. Less yeeting.
However! *look down at next question*
Plus... it's the standard for the breed. Want a tail? Get a Cardigan! They're awesome dogs too! They are built with a sloped croup and a low carried tail which is harder to grab by livestock. Less yeeting.
However! *look down at next question*
Will you leave the tail on my puppy if I ask?
Sure! The problem is you'll have to absolutely trust me to pick the best pup for you because the tails get docked around day 4 as they aren't fused together yet so the vet can slip between the bones and clip the tail off without issues. I'm pretty great at picking pups for owners when they're from my established lines, however with new blood, I typically don't allow tails to be left on until I can map out the personality traits of the new lines I use. I really tend to keep my dam line solidly locked into my working dogs so I can most likely accommodate your desire.